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About Our Staff

Choose your carer

Our staff are carefully chosen to work with us

Our staff are trained to help you and meet your needs

You decide if you want to work with your carer

Your carer will learn all about you and the things you like

Your carer will learn about the things you do not like
Your plan

You, your carer and other people who support you will make a plan about how we can help you

This is your plan and we use it to help us meet your needs and keep the promises we make

We will talk with you and learn if the plan is going well

You can talk to us and change the plan anytime
carer listening

Your carer will respect you and put your needs first

Your carer will listen to you and make sure that you are happy

Your carer has training to make sure they know what to do to help you

We make sure that  your carer has all the help and support they need to care for you

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