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Customer Outcomes

Customer outcomes are the wider changes that an individual experiences that are caused by, facilitated by or enabled by  the actions of an organisation such as Edenvale Care.

Individuals we support will identify a range of outcomes that they would like to achieve through receiving the  care and support we provide and we will work together to achieve these intended outcomes over a planned period of time.

Outcomes may relate to behaviour, skills, knowledge, attitudes, values, condition, or other attributes. For example, an individual may wish to feel more confident about dealing with problems, this is an intended outcome.  We will then agree a plan and decide what things we can do to help them feel more confident and achieve the outcome.

As outcomes relate to significant changes for people, they tend to be achieved over months or years.  Though some outcomes can be met more immediately with appropriate personal care for example.
It is helpful for us both if our  activities are  specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-limited – we call this SMART for short.

Specific – tightly defined, relating directly to the issue being addressed

Measurable – provide information that records the situation at the start of the period and at the end and perhaps agree some targets to achieve along the way

Achievable – can be achieved within the timescale

Relevant – have a strong connection to priorities and activities

Time-bound – set specific time periods in which together we aim to achieve the outcome

So  once we have worked together to identify the individuals needs, we will also discuss what outcomes the individual would like to achieve and how we can support them to achieve these. Using SMART principles we will develop a plan and work closely with individuals and their supporters to regularly review how well we are progressing with the plan and if the plan needs to be reviewed in any way.  We can also add new intended outcomes as the individuals situation, desires, needs and preferences change over time

We believe it is very important to work towards achieving outcomes with individuals as we all have a plan to work towards and there is a positive yet flexible focus on achievement and progression as we work together to achieve all of the outcomes that individuals want to achieve in their lives to help them  realise their potential.